To Our Family of Patients,

We want you to know that we are following the current events of COVID-19 virus closely. The health and safety of our patients and staff are of upmost importance. We understand that our community is on alert, and want to face it head on. Under the guidance of the CDC, we are taking the following precautions to ensure the safety of our patients and staff:

- All community surfaces (doorknobs, handles, pens, etc.) will be wiped down hourly with approved disinfectant.

- All exam room equipment, instruments, surfaces will be cleaned with disinfectant between each patient.

- All employees are required to sanitize hands, chairs, counter tops, and any other surface between patients. As well as, disinfect glasses between patients.

- Any employee displaying flu-like symptoms is required to stay home and seek medical attention.

- Any patient with fever and/or flu-like symptoms will be asked to reschedule their appointment.

- For patients who need a driver, or assistance we ask they only bring 1 guest with them.

- We are requesting that everyone wash their hands for 20 seconds.

Wallingford Eye Care is taking all precautions necessary to keep our space healthy for you to receive the best eye care possible. We will remain open unless there is a state of emergency and we are advised differently. Thank you for your cooperation.

Dr. Susan Roh and Staff

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